Reading in Korean: Shakespeare Sonnet
안녕 친구! Hi Friend! Like a lot of second generation Korean American kids, I learned to speak Korean in the…
My first live Korean radio interview!
안녕 친구! Hi Friend! May is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month! I thought it’d be a nice way to kick off…
Cherry Blossoms, oh my!
안녕 친구! Hi Friend! YOU GUYS. Cherry blossom season in Korea is freaking out of control beautiful. Nothing I’ve ever…
March Roundup: Life in Seoul, Korea
안녕 친구! Hi Friend! It’s been about month since I arrived in Korea and just a few weeks that I’ve…
Half-Way Through My Quarantine!
안녕 친구! Hi Friend! Now that I’m past the halfway mark of my quarantine, I thought you might enjoy some…
IIRY Podcast: 26. Blair McMillen: “It’s okay to be vulnerable.”
In this conversation with pianist Blair McMillen, we discuss how to manage stage fright and performance anxiety; why being…