Recently, a dear friend (you know who you are 🙂 scolded me gently with this endearing reprimand:
“Tricia, you are a fussy pastry. You’re not a chocolate chip cookie: easy to make, easy to enjoy, ubiquitous. Delicious, mind you, but easy. You can find them anywhere, on any given day. You’re like a croissant: a pain in the ass to make, finicky, and sensitive. A truly exceptional croissant takes time and effort and frankly, you can’t eat a croissant every day of the week. And while there are lots of crappy croissants or wanna be croissants out there, it’s hard to find a real, honest to goodness, perfect one. Believe me, I’ve tried. They’re rare and exceptional. You might find a truly exceptional one, once every decade or so.
Stop trying so hard to be a chocolate chip cookie. Stop comparing yourself to the everyday cookie. That’s not who you are. You’re a fussy pastry. You take time to make and you are worth it.”
It’s been a hard couple of weeks, so that’s all I have for today. When I’ve been feeling down lately, I think of my dear friend saying: You’re a fussy pastry. It’s been a helpful mantra for me and I love her even more for it. I can’t take credit for her cleverness but I can pass it on.
Maybe you’re a fussy pastry, Reader. But you are well worth it.
What about you? What food do you think you are? Drop in the comments and let me know 🙂