Chen Yi “Memory” for solo violin (2011)
Hi Friend! 안녕 친구! Here’s Chen Yi’s haunting “Memory” for solo violin (2011). Here, too, is a short note from…
Anthony Cheung, “Character Studies,” No. 1: “DRAMATIS PERSONAE” (2016)
Hi Friend! 안녕 친구! Check out Anthony Cheung’s “Character Studies,” No. 1: “DRAMATIS PERSONAE” (2016). Anthony incorporates some very cool…
Reading in Korean: Shakespeare Sonnet
안녕 친구! Hi Friend! Like a lot of second generation Korean American kids, I learned to speak Korean in the…
My first live Korean radio interview!
안녕 친구! Hi Friend! May is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month! I thought it’d be a nice way to kick off…