Hello Friends!
Looking for something to listen to this weekend?
Eleven years ago, I started a summer music festival called, MusicIC, that combines music and literature. This season we return with a special RADIO PLAY production of Tolstoy’s The Kreutzer Sonata, premiering on Iowa Public Radio, AUGUST 8, 2021 at 4pm CST. Adapted by author, Jennifer Fawcett (who’s a guest on the IIRY podcast), and featuring Beethoven and Janacek’s Kreutzer Sonatas performed by The Knights, this innovative audio experience is produced and engineered by Grammy award winner, Jesse Lewis and is a co-production of Musicic, Riverside Theatre, and the Iowa City UNESCO City of Literature.
Hope you’ll tune in and share with friends!
#kreutzersonata #musicic #iowacityoflit #riversidetheatreiowa #jenniferfawcett #theknightsnyc #tolstoy #beethoven #janacek #radioplay #jesselewis #triciapark