Hello friends!
Check out my podcast interview with performance psychologist, Noa Kageyama, where we learn what he meant at age 2 when he said “oa wike mugas”; what it was like to studying with Mr. Suzuki himself in Japan as a little kid, how inconsistency in his performances lead to his study of “performance psychology” at Juilliard; how performers can believe that performing poorly means we ‘suck’ as people; what he learned from daydreaming about winning the Lotto; the difference between the ‘critic’ versus the ‘coach’ his surprising reasons for starting his blog; why he’d tell his younger self to play more soccer; and how he answers the question “is it too late?” You can subscribe to the podcast here and find it on iTunes and Apple Podcasts.
Learn more about the stuff we talk about!
Noa’s awesome blog
Noa teaches at the Juilliard School
Noa got a double degree at Oberlin
Don Greene, Ph.d, Performance Mastery Trainer
Seymour Bernstein, pianist and pedagogue
Ethan Hawke and his film about Seymour Bernstein
This is Your Brain on Jazz: Researchers Use MRI to Study Spontaneity, Creativity
Ivan Galamian, legendary violin teacher of Itzhak Perlman among many others
Louis Persinger, legendary violin teacher of Yehudi Menuhin, among many others